DIA profile link https://dia.hu/node/6176 Takács Zsuzsa's books List of books display the list of published and digitalized tomes by the date of first publishing. Takács Zsuzsa's works List of works displays the list of the independent works of the author from the database of Digital Literary Academy in alphabetic order. After the title we show the date and place of first publishing. Takács Zsuzsa's poems Takács Zsuzsa's prose Takács Zsuzsa's dramas Takács Zsuzsa's essays Takács Zsuzsa's translations Takács Zsuzsa's interviews Takács Zsuzsa, as an interviewee Takács Zsuzsa's works for kids Literature about the Takács Zsuzsa Related literary works Search our collection Search term Search filters in full text just in title just in poems just in posy just in dedications just in dating