Konferencia a Nobel-díjas ír költő, író, drámaíró születésének 150. évfordulóján
Plenáris előadás: Prof. Margaret Mills Harper, Előadók: Balázs Zsuzsanna, Dr. Bertha Csilla, Dr. Bődy Edit, Grace Kelly, Kiss Kristóf, Dr. Komáromy Zsolt, Alla Kononova, Szűts Melinda. A konferencia nyelve az angol.
A Magyar Yeats Társaság, a Budapesti Ír Nagykövetség és a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum közös programja
A konferencia zárásaként Edmund Dulac W.B. Yeats A sólyom kútjánál c. egyfelvonásos drámájához komponált eredeti zenéjét hallgathatja meg a közönség.
Előadják: Kiss Tivadar énekművész, Pálhegyi Máté fuvolaművész és Kriesch Barbara hárfaművész.
A Magyar Yeats Társaság, a Budapesti Ír Nagykövetség és a Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum közös programja
A konferencia zárásaként Edmund Dulac W.B. Yeats A sólyom kútjánál c. egyfelvonásos drámájához komponált eredeti zenéjét hallgathatja meg a közönség.
Előadják: Kiss Tivadar énekművész, Pálhegyi Máté fuvolaművész és Kriesch Barbara hárfaművész.
29 April 10:00 am–18:00 pm
W.B. Yeats Today
Conference commemorating the life and work of the Nobel-laureate Irish poet, writer, playwright, celebrating the 150th anniversary of his birth.
Programme organised by the Hungarian Yeats Society, Embassy of Ireland, Budapest and the Petőfi Literary Museum.
The language of the conference is English.
W.B. Yeats Today
Conference commemorating the life and work of the Nobel-laureate Irish poet, writer, playwright, celebrating the 150th anniversary of his birth.
Programme organised by the Hungarian Yeats Society, Embassy of Ireland, Budapest and the Petőfi Literary Museum.
The language of the conference is English.
10.00 Conference Opening Csilla Bertha, University of Debrecen Hon. President, The Hungarian Yeats Society
Opening address Kevin Dowling, Irish Ambassador to Hungary
Keynote Lecture “The Rhythm of A Vision” Margaret Mills Harper, Glucksman Professor
University of Limerick, Ireland
Chair: Donald E. Morse University Professor, University of Debrecen
11.30–12.00 Coffee break
12.00–13.20 Yeats in an International Context
Chair: Margaret Mills Harper, University of Limerick
“Infinitely in Geometric Progression: Yeats & Borges” – Grace Kelly, Liverpool University
“Cuchulain, Yeats’s Ideal Courtier: Baldassare Castiglione’s Influence on Yeats and his Cuchulain Plays” – Zsuzsanna Balázs, Pázmány Péter University, Budapest
“Yeats in 20th and 21st Century Russian Music and Literature” – Alla Kononova, Tyumen State University
13.20–14.50 Lunch break (Own Arrangements)
14.50–15.40 The Poetry of W. B. Yeats
Chair: Donald E. Morse, University of Debrecen
“Thinking about Minnaloushe” – Zsolt Komáromy, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest
“The Nature of Poetic Recollection: William Wordsworth’s ‘Immortality Ode’ and W. B. Yeats’s ‘Among School Children’” – Kristóf Kiss, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest
15.40–16.00 Coffee break
16.00–17.20 Yeats’s Drama
Chair: Mária Kurdi, University Professor, University of Pécs
‘“Who stood in the Post Office / With Pearse and Connolly?’ Heroism, Timeliness and Timelessness in some of Yeats’s Plays” – Edit Bődy, University of West Hungary, Szombathely
“The Space-Minded Dramaturgy of At the Hawk’s Well; Theory vs. Practice” – Melinda Szűts, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest
“Yeats’s Poets and Kings from The King’s Threshold to The King of the Great Clock Tower – Csilla Bertha, University of Debrecen
17.30 Edmund Dulac’s original music composed for the first production of Yeats’s At the Hawk’s Well
Tivadar Kiss, vocals, Máté Pálhegyi, flute, Barbara Kriesch, harp.
Opening address Kevin Dowling, Irish Ambassador to Hungary
Keynote Lecture “The Rhythm of A Vision” Margaret Mills Harper, Glucksman Professor
University of Limerick, Ireland
Chair: Donald E. Morse University Professor, University of Debrecen
11.30–12.00 Coffee break
12.00–13.20 Yeats in an International Context
Chair: Margaret Mills Harper, University of Limerick
“Infinitely in Geometric Progression: Yeats & Borges” – Grace Kelly, Liverpool University
“Cuchulain, Yeats’s Ideal Courtier: Baldassare Castiglione’s Influence on Yeats and his Cuchulain Plays” – Zsuzsanna Balázs, Pázmány Péter University, Budapest
“Yeats in 20th and 21st Century Russian Music and Literature” – Alla Kononova, Tyumen State University
13.20–14.50 Lunch break (Own Arrangements)
14.50–15.40 The Poetry of W. B. Yeats
Chair: Donald E. Morse, University of Debrecen
“Thinking about Minnaloushe” – Zsolt Komáromy, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest
“The Nature of Poetic Recollection: William Wordsworth’s ‘Immortality Ode’ and W. B. Yeats’s ‘Among School Children’” – Kristóf Kiss, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest
15.40–16.00 Coffee break
16.00–17.20 Yeats’s Drama
Chair: Mária Kurdi, University Professor, University of Pécs
‘“Who stood in the Post Office / With Pearse and Connolly?’ Heroism, Timeliness and Timelessness in some of Yeats’s Plays” – Edit Bődy, University of West Hungary, Szombathely
“The Space-Minded Dramaturgy of At the Hawk’s Well; Theory vs. Practice” – Melinda Szűts, Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest
“Yeats’s Poets and Kings from The King’s Threshold to The King of the Great Clock Tower – Csilla Bertha, University of Debrecen
17.30 Edmund Dulac’s original music composed for the first production of Yeats’s At the Hawk’s Well
Tivadar Kiss, vocals, Máté Pálhegyi, flute, Barbara Kriesch, harp.