
Visegrád Irodalmi Ösztöndíjas Program eredménye 2013 The newly established by the International Visegrad Fund, the Visegrad Literary Residency Program consists of a series of residency stays and literary events addressed to writers of fiction and non-fiction, poets, essayists, critics as well as literary translators, publicists and journalists from the Visegrad Countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia).
The International Visegrad Fund has approved the following Literary Residents for 2013:
From Czech Republic:
1) Ondřej Buddeus – Centre for Information on Literature in Bratislava (SK)
2) Pavel Kolmačka – Arts Institute in Prague (CZ)
3) Ivana Myšková – Villa Decius Association in Krakow (PL)
4) David Zábranský – Petőfi Literary Museum in Budapest (HU)
From Hungary:
1) András Forgách – Villa Decius Association in Krakow (PL)
2) András Gerevich – Petőfi Literary Museum in Budapest (HU)
3) Mónika Mesterházi – Arts Institute in Prague (CZ)
4) Péter Rácz – Centre for Information on Literature in Bratislava (SK)
From Poland:
1) Anka Herbut – Villa Decius Association in Krakow (PL)
2) Agnieszka Piotrowska – Petőfi Literary Museum in Budapest (HU)
3) Mariusz Surosz – Arts Institute in Prague (CZ)
4) Robert Rient – Centre for Information on Literature in Bratislava (SK)
From Slovakia:
1) Jana Beňová – Petőfi Literary Museum in Budapest (HU)
2) Andrej Gogora – Centre for Information on Literature in Bratislava (SK)
3) Andrej Hablák – Arts Institute in Prague (CZ) 4) Ivan Štrpka – Villa Decius Association in Krakow (PL)
More information and helpdesk:
Małgorzata Różańska-Braniecka /
Gabriella Gulyás /